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The Challenge in Changing

Ever feel like you’re living in the movie Groundhog’s Day? Day in, day out… same ‘ol routine. Have you ever tried to make a shift, yet after a little while, find yourself right back where you were? Why does this happen? How can we create the life or business we desire, if we’re not able to get out of our rut? That’s what this week’s episode is about! Dive in here: What action are you committed to consistently taking to create that new neural pathway? ...

What If

Many times we can hold back on taking an action, questioning “What if…?” What if I get it wrong? What if I make a mistake? What if I’m not ready? What if it doesn’t work? What if….. (That’s what today’s episode dives into! Click below to watch.) Do you remember finger paints as a child? The freedom of letting it be messy? The joy of creativity and playing and simply doing what the paints call you to do…. dig your fingers in and put them ...

Let it be easy

Why do we like to complicate things? Often we make things seem to be unreachable, difficult, or to require far more effort than they really do. Take writing a book for example. Most times the thought of this makes people feel it will take years and that it requires it to be a big, thick, best-selling novel. I used to think my dream of becoming an author was far off. Therefore, I put it off. I set it on the back burner of dreams for “someday” when I had more time, more focus, was ...

A Dream, A Vision, and A Video

6 years ago today, I attended a Celebrate Your Life event in Chicago and took this picture. It was right before one of the speakers was about to take the stage. See, I felt an inner calling to be a speaker like I was seeing at this event. I had the desire to make an impact by inspiring others from the stage as they were doing. I printed this picture and placed it on my vision board. It’s been there ever since. Just recently I was Divinely guided to the Speakers Program being offered by ...

How to Handle Rejection

No. One word, two letters, that can bring our ego to its knees. What if NO was really a New Opportunity? If we shift “rejection” to redirection, or to reflection and reconnection, it creates a whole new meaning, energy, and opportunity. When we pause at the no, and check in with ourselves, our vision and our values, we can find the opportunity in the no and how it can show us where to go. Let’s say it’s a redirection. Then, when we feel into the “no” it can ...

What's Your Name

What’s your name? Sounds like a silly question, right? However for myself and a number of other business women I’ve talked with, this question can have us questioning. The “name” I’m talking about here, is what name do you personally want to use in your business. What name do you want to author under. What name do you want announced when you are about to speak on stage. Is it your legal name? Maiden name? Married name? Or a stage name or pen name? I got married at ...

My Book Process

Exciting news! My next book has just been handed over to the editor! I thought this would be a great time to share with you my 4 step book process in case you are feeling inspired to write yours! Write the BookThat’s right! In order to publish a book the most important step is to write it! My very first step in the process is to sit down and write the book. This is the part of the process that can take the longest, as you get to meet all of that creative resistance. Don’t let it ...

Rest or Resistance

Here I go again…  Diving into my passion, another creative project. It’s there, and the words are flowing. Then, all of a sudden I pause. I need more coffee. A snack perhaps. Shall I change the laundry? A scene so familiar I know to sit with it and ask, “Is this rest? Or resistance? Do I truly need a break? Or am I about to embark on a breakthrough?” Why does one resist what they desire? Why stop the flow? What is the underlying fear? And in this space I know, ...

Permission to do it your way

“You should…”“You need…”“You must…” There are so many opinions, strategies, ideas… that you can find yourself doing things that feel heavy because you’ve been told you should, or it’s what everyone else is doing. Here’s the thing. Your body knows when something is aligned for you and when it isn’t. Listen within.Notice how you feel. How do you want to feel? I’ve found my way has been finding my ...

Your Voice is Needed

Someone needs to hear what you have to say. “I needed to hear this. Thank you.” A comment that moves me to tears and reminds me why I share. Your voice matters. Your voice makes a difference. When you feel called to speak, to write, to share…. listen to that call. Someone somewhere needs to hear it. Sometimes you’ll hear that feedback and gratitude, sometimes you’ll think no one noticed your words and wonder why you sent them out into the air. You’re not ...

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