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Do you feel unprepared to show up?

Not Knowing Do you show up, even if you have no idea... what to say, how it will go, anything at all? You feel completely unprepared. Is that an opportunity you take to bow out?Take a moment and sit with that.Where are you not showing up, because you're not ready?That's what this week's UNSCRIPTED was all about!You can catch the replay on YouTube: If you prefer to listen, here's the podcast version.See, this week I had NO IDEA what I was going to talk about.Now, you may be thinking, ...

Do you struggle to make the right decision?

Making Decisions Do you struggle to make a decision?Are you wanting to make the "right" decision?How do you make your descision?Do you ask others, "What do you think I should do?"Or, do you ask yourself, "What do I know to be true?"It's not about what others "think," it's about what you know.This was last week's UNSCRIPTED conversation. You can catch the replay here: Or the Podcast Version here.I used to be one who would swirl in indecision (ok, I still have my moments). I wanted to make the ...

Unmet Expectations

Unmet ExpectationsHave you ever felt disappointed that something you expected to happen, didn't?That's what today's UNSCRIPTED was all about!  When we have "expectations" that something will occur, that someone will do something, that we should accomplish this or that, it's easy to experience disappointment when those things don't occur.We give our power to the expectation and it's fulfillment. We place our joy based on the desired outcome–when truly we have no control of outside ...

Feeling stuck?

Stuck in a rut? Have you ever had that stuck feeling? Perhaps you feel you're in a rut... Same 'ol routine. Doing the same things, yet hoping for a new outcome?How do we get out of the rut? The stuck-ness? The mundane?Just like a car in a rut, if we keep doing the same things– pushing the gas pedal and spinning our wheels– we'll just dig the rut deeper.To get out of the rut, we need to do something *different*. We need to shift, to move the energy.In the car example, we could get ...

What does your body need right now?

I was on a roll... Every Wednesday for six weeks straight, I showed up. I went live for "Unscripted." I let it be messy. I let it flow. However, last week, I didn't show.Why? My body needed rest. I hadn't been feeling well, and I needed a pause to heal.Could I have pushed through? Probably. I even thought about it. But, what I teach, "honoring your inner wisdom..." is what I must live. And in that moment, that honoring was rest.How about you? What does your body need? Can you hear its requests? ...

Simplify to Serve

Simplifying to Serve Do you desire to simplify your life, your home, your surroundings?To declutter your space, to organize and systemize all your stuff?This has been something that has been coming up for me, to "SIMPLIFY." Perhaps that's my word for 2022. Recently I dove into decluttering, organizing and creating space in my office.What I found was: There is power in purging for your purpose! I dove into this topic more on this week's UNSCRIPTED, you can catch the replay here: Or the ...

The Power of Prayer

Are you good at asking? Are you good at reaching out for help?No, Google doesn't count. Today’s UNSCRIPTED was about the power of prayer. You can watch the replay here: Or the Podcast Version here. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. And human-ing? That can be hard.So what do we do when we are juggling alllll the plates, and suddenly our balance is thrown off, or life tosses another one in... and suddenly, SMASH!My go-to is prayer. I don't always know how to put the ...

Embrace Who You Are

Embrace Who YOU Are On today's UNSCRIPTED, I shared about an experience I had yesterday that moved me to tears.I was in a course to learn your Business Archetype. Reviewing the types, I wanted to be the badass! The rebel! The trailblazer!Have you ever wanted to be that? Or perhaps you are!So when the quiz results came back showing, "The Innocent," I sighed.  It reminded me of when I was in college and decided to go out one night sporting a leather biker jacket and some kick-ass ...

Beyond What You See

They look like they've got it all! Today's UNSCRIPTED live was about this. You can watch the replay here: Or the Podcast Version here.How many times have you compared or measured yourself based upon what something appears to be, or what someone appears to have?So many times what we "see" isn't what it appears to be.Usually when you scroll online, you mostly see everyones life all together.Businesses launching programs and services. That perfect couple that is so in love. The one who lost their ...

Do this before you make plans

The most important part of planning... It's not the income goal. It's not the calendar commitments to showing up. It's not the mindset shift. It's not the promises. It's not the resolutions. It's not even the goal or the vision...Yes, these things are important for sure... and there is one thing that is more important, and often a step not talked about or thought about.That step? Presence.While it's great to plan for the future, it's vital to be here, today. In this moment. To be present as you ...

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