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The Butterfly

I was having a tough day and decided to step away for a walk with my dog, Jake. With each step I took, being held by the breeze and the trees, my emotions flowed out in streams of tears. Vision blurred, I faithfully followed Jake’s lead. As I was waiting for him to take care of business, some movement off to my side caught my eye. A beautiful monarch butterfly resting on a flower, then taking flight in the sweet summer air. It danced so beautifully, swirling about, going here and ...

Allow the mud to settle

Life brings us many challenges. It’s what we do with those challenges, how we respond that matters. Unfortunately we can’t stop them from coming, and at times they hit us unexpectedly, knocking the wind out of our sails. I’ve recently had such a wind storm, and as I was sitting in the aftermath trying to make sense of it all, these words emerged: Let the pond get muddy so it can settle. It signified how my mind was busy trying to understand, and how I needed to take the time ...

It Isn't About You

I wrote this a little while back… After just watching a friend and colleague’s webinar, and hearing her share some powerful messages that I had also received (and even wrote about), but held back on sharing, I thought of this post. Transformation isn’t always easy. Sometimes when we are called to step into new things, or a new way of being,  it can be scary. Or if we feel a powerful message or truth within that wants to express, yet we pause or question if we want to be ...

Gentle Strength

"I am gentle. That is my strength." Love, Bobbie Jo This message poured into my heart the other day when I was feeling ‘less than.’ My ‘not enough-ness’ was triggered. Yet, in all the ways I wasn’t measuring up, I saw the ways in which I was. So often in this world strength is attributed to our physical capabilities, working hard, pushing through, getting it done, making it happen, no matter what the cost. Yet we forget the value of the feminine. The nurturing. The ...

Life is like a puddle

Ever notice how kids are drawn to puddles? They see the opportunity for fun. They will go out of their way to get to it. They don’t care about getting what they are wearing dirty. They don’t care that their clothes will be wet for most of the day. These thoughts don’t even cross their mind. They see the moment. They see the fun. They full out experience the joy of it all. As an adult we see a puddle as an obstacle to avoid and walk around. Something that will get us dirty, be ...

The Girl and the Mermaid

A poetic story that ‘flowed’ right out. Inspired by my journey from girl to mermaid. It’s easy to believe what we seek is ‘out there.’ However, the answers and the treasures and the whatever’s we are longing to know, have or be… are much closer than we realize. All we need to do is believe and look inside. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, ‘You’ve always had the power….’ Seek within.


This poetic story just flowed through me one day. It seems quite fitting to share this, the day after I officially became one year older. It’s funny how as adults we can lose the sense of wonder and possibility we carried as a child. Believing all the things we are taught, and the ‘conditions’ we must abide by. But the great inventors and poets knew, imagination is key! It gets us past the rational, thinking mind into the heart of openness and newness. I say, be like that ...

Finding the self

I didn’t want to lose you, so I lost myself instead. As a recovering people pleaser, I’d have to say I lost myself many times in my life. I think we all want to fit in, be liked, and feel like we belong. However, many times that can come at the expense of our true soul’s expression. This doesn’t only happen in the form of personal relationships, it can also be professional. Not only have I held back my true personality to not ‘make waves’ in my personal ...

Beyond the Broked

This poetic story was inspired by one of my seashells (you’ll see it in the video). One day I was feeling a bit off and stuck. I heard, “just go outside and play with your shells.” A funny request, but not knowing what else to do, I grabbed a box of my seashells and sat outside in the sunshine. Upon finding one with a hole, I sat with it for a bit, then felt the urge to hold it up to the sunlight. That’s when this story flowed through me. I hope you enjoy it!

See with your heart

This poem was inspired one morning when I awoke before the sun. I looked out the window and saw two bright stars, as well as the warm tones in the sky preceding the sun’s rising. I decided to await it’s arrival. The sun took it’s time, and ever so slowly the sky got a little brighter. I’d look to find my two stars, now moving up higher into the sky. They’d become a little harder to detect each time, but I could still find them there with their increasing ...

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