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Blog My Book Process

My Book Process


Exciting news!

My next book has just been handed over to the editor! I thought this would be a great time to share with you my 4 step book process in case you are feeling inspired to write yours!

  • Write the Book
    That’s right! In order to publish a book the most important step is to write it! My very first step in the process is to sit down and write the book. This is the part of the process that can take the longest, as you get to meet all of that creative resistance. Don’t let it stop you! Keep going. You’ve got the call to write it for a reason! Mark a date on the calendar when you commit to having it done, and stick with it!
  • Give the Draft to My Editor
    Next I take my finished draft and hand it over to my editor. I know I am not the best at proper punctuation and all the writing rules, so I give it to someone who can find those errors. Plus, my editor also gives me great feedback and suggestions on my book. She’ll let me know if I’ve repeated myself too much, if an area doesn’t make sense or needs a little more, and so on. It feels great to have another set of eyes on my work.
  • Give the Final Edited Copy to My Designer
    I realized through my first book, that taking on the design portion felt heavy just like the editing did. My genius is in expressing through writing. My “designing” is when I do video expression. Therefore, I gratefully hand my book over to my designer who is skilled in this area as it is her zone of genius! It feels sooooo good to hand it over to her and then see my words come back in a beautiful layout that gives the reader a wonderful experience.
  • Take The Final Design and Upload
    Once I have my cover (by my designer as well) and my final layout, I upload it to officially be published! Then I celebrate! (And likely freak out a little bit, because it’s really out there!!)

There you have it! My 4-Step Process!

You might be saying, “Wait, that can’t be all?” And yes, you are correct. In my first publishing experience I learned a lot behind the scenes, which allows me to simplify it to these 4 Steps.

Through that first process, I decided on Self-Publishing, versus traditional. I learned about ISBN Numbers and Meta Data. All the backend stuff. So, yes, your first round there is more to know.

I was Divinely guided to a course, which walked me through it all. What I loved about this course was the knowledge I gained for self publishing, connecting with other aspiring authors, as well as having it be a do-able journey. It is called “The Tiny Book Course.”It is 45 days, and in this time you can take your book from idea to actually holding it in your hands! The next launch will be in September. If you sign up, use this link with my coupon code LOVE and save!!

If you’re thinking “I want to clarify what my unique story and message is to more deeply connect with my ideal clients,” that is what we dive into in Lights, Camera, Impact! Check it out!

If you already have a book, and want a movie trailer to promote it, I can help! Let’s have a conversation.

If you have any other questions, send me a message.

Wishing you a beautiful day, where the words flow, the pages grow, and your book is one step closer to published!

P.S. If you’ve written a book and are looking for an AMAZING designer, this is who I LOVE to work with and plan to with ALL of my books. Aeysha. She is the best!!

As for my editor, I’m not sure she’s taking on more book clients. When she is, I will come back and share her info here as well.

Why do I share my secrets? Because my dreams are coming true by publishing, and I want your dreams to come true too!! Plus, sharing the amazing people I work with, helps make their dreams come true! It’s a win, win, win!!!

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