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I have this come up a lot with my clients, friends, colleagues, and even myself! We focus on “where we want to get.” That elusive destination that will assure us that we made it. Yet, it’s the steps along the way, the foundation, the momentum, the movement, that gets us there. It’s often these steps we don’t fully see or honor. Why? We’re focused on the summit. The mountain top. The big dream. Yet, did you know that that continuously changes? When you reach ...

Love More

Did you choose a word or mantra for the new year?  While deep in thought about something, I heard this phrase within my heart, "love more." In that moment I knew that was my mantra, my focus, my sacred centering. How could I "love more" in every moment, in every interaction, in every decision, in every creation? It's so easy to get caught up in this world. Yet, what really matters is love.  Our time here is brief, and when we get to reflect back upon it, I believe what ...

What thermostat do you follow?

Do you listen to your body? To how you are feeling? Do you make choices based on your own inner wisdom?Or do you look outside yourself? Do you follow the guidance of someone or something outside of you? Do you give your power to another source? Do you follow system measurements versus your own internal system?This time of year we crank up the wood stove.A comfortable temperature in our house is usually around 75. At 78 we know it’s plenty warm and stop feeding the fire.The other day, it ...

Slow and Intentional

How do you move throughout your day?Are you aware?Are you present for each breath, and every step you take?It can be so easy to be a few steps ahead of ourselves.Our minds can be quite active and onto the next thing before we complete what we are actually doing in the present.This is one of the lessons my sound journey has made me very aware of.Quality instruments are not cheap. Crystal bowls can easily break.One day, I gently tossed my Tingsha bells into my sound circle.They didn’t quite ...

Is it feeding you or depleting you

That small voice within. The one that holds wisdom, answers and direction. The subtle whisper of your soul, guiding you to sacred alignment.That wise voice prompted a question I'd love to share with you. One that takes you from an unconscious pattern, to intentional living. One you can use often to stay in that place of your SEA- soul energy alignment.Here's how the question came to me:I had logged in and responded to messages. Then found myself in the mindless scroll… As my energy began ...

I chucked the Chuckit!

I chucked the Chuckit!. (For those not familiar, this is a dog ball throwing device.) Multitasking. Some people rave that they are masters at it. Some feel overwhelmed trying to do it. Did you know we are not made for, nor are we actually– multitasking? Neuroscience shows that when we try to multitask, our brain is actually rapidly switching back and forth between tasks, which takes a lot of resources and energy. In this fast-paced, more information than you can digest coming at you every ...

440 or 432?

440 or 432? You may have heard of this debate with sound healing. Are the instruments tuned based on 440 hertz or 432 hertz? These are the two *main* tunings you hear of. There is a lot out there about this if you search, I’ll just give you my brief synopsis–in a very tiny coconut shell. 440 is what you mainly hear on the radio. Many moons ago there wasn’t a set standard, so instruments were tuned in different ways. Then a standard was set, so that it would make playing ...

Winds of Change

Change. How are you with change? Are you open to it? Excited for it? Or do you dread it? I am one that is usually open to change. Many times I think of life like a great adventure, and become curious where it’s guiding me. Then there are times when some of the changes feel so unfair, the reality of them knock the wind out of your sails, and you realize how brief and swift this adventure can be. There are times in life when the changes may seem many, all at once. Some like an adventure, ...

From Knowing to No-ing

My sound bath theme this month is Oceans of Love.The first sound bath this Saturday is focused on Self-Love.I thought it would be beautiful to share some “self-love” love letters this month too.You see, many times we may think of self-love as something like a spa day.While yes, a massage and a facial, heck even a sound bath from me, is a form of nurturing care indeed, there are also many other forms of self-love that we may overlook.For one, did you know that saying ...

No more healing

It was hard letting go of my massage business.Yet, after 15 years my body became tired- limiting my appointments, and that combined with a move out of town, didn’t match up with the rent that needed to be covered.I was reluctant in closing, as it was such a piece of my heart, and a space I deeply cherished.It was a journey after that letting go. A journey of losing myself and coming back home to me.I didn’t think I’d be offering a healing modality again. I focused on coaching ...

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