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It's totally possible that...

Do you ever get stuck in a rut of frustration and over-thinking?Going over all the things you don’t like, how hard things are, what’s not working?I was doing exactly this not too long ago.A new exciting opportunity, required downloading and learning new software.The excitement of the opportunity dwindled to grumbling when the tech-frustration settled in.I wanted to throw in the towel! It wasn’t working. Nothing was going as planned. It was consuming my entire day.I was feeling ...

Sound Healing Chose Me

Did you know that I did not have "sound healing" on my radar?Nope. Not at all.So, how did it happen?It all started with an image. An image of crystal singing bowls. When I saw it, I heard a voice inside me say, "You need a bowl."My response? "What? I don't need a bowl."Yet, this little voice persisted. Finally, I bought A bowl. One.That little voice did not stop there. It proceeded to let me know what courses to take, that it was time to buy ALL the bowls, then this instrument, and that ...

Do You Weed?

Do you have a garden, or have you ever? How are you with weeding it?This year I planned to weed everyday. Like many well-meaning plans, that one didn’t quite happen as planned.I stepped into the garden the other day after a little time away from it….What I’ve found, is that if you don’t weed a garden a little bit each day, the weeds will grow out of control.It seems to somehow happen overnight. (Seriously! There were just a few! Now it’s completely ...

I'm Really a Mermaid

This may sound a little fishy… but I can assure you, it’s true. I’m not pulling your fin.I’m a mermaid!For real. Tail and all.Ever since I can remember, I loved the water!My sister would try to sneak out of the house for a nighttime swim alone, but my little ears could hear even the slightest splash, and I’d be on that ladder to greet her before her head came back up out of the water.I cherished seashell gifts I’d receive (not too many here in Wisconsin!).My ...

Follow Your Joy

Follow YOUR Joy. In this Unscripted Episode, I share about the power in, and the way-finding of following your joy. You can watch the episode here: Or listen to the podcast here. ALIGN and SHINE. The world needs who YOU are. You see these words on my homepage here. You hear me say them. Following your joy is a huge part of this. See, when you are in joy, you are aligned. When you are aligned in joy, you shine! When you are shining in joy, you are YOU. You are expressing as you, you are sharing ...

How Do You Want To Feel

Reclaim your power! Reclaim your day! In this Unscripted Episode, I share a simple yet powerful question to ask yourself. You can watch the episode here: Or listen to the podcast here. How do you want to feel? Have you ever asked yourself that? Or do you get caught up in how you are actually feeling?  Do you get caught up in what you don't want? Do you get caught up in what you fear? Do you let your day and everything around you run the show? I invite you to pause and ask yourself, "How do I ...

Do As I Say Not As I Do

I'm calling myself OUT! In this Unscripted Episode, I share about how I haven't been doing what I invite YOU to do. You can watch the episode here: Or listen to the podcast here. Get VISIBLE! Be SEEN!  Yeah... I'm doing that... SHARE YOUR MESSAGE... Some of that too... Yet what I have been missing is... Share HOW you serve! See, I've been focused on adding value. Which is HUGE! That is forefront in important, because you want to add value!  Yet you ALSO want to let people know how ...

Stronger Smarter wiser

Stronger. Smarter. Wiser.  In this Unscripted Episode, I share about opportunities to become stronger, then smarter, and finally wiser. You can watch the episode here: Or listen to the podcast here. It's summer, and I'm once again offering beach meditation! This year, I was guided to dive into sound healing, and now have a plethora of singing bowls and other sound instruments to enhance my meditation experiences. What I learned on my first official summer soundscape experience... is that it ...

All Storms Pass

All Storms Pass.  In this Unscripted Episode, I share about how storms pass, both in nature and our lives. You can watch the episode here: Or listen to the podcast here. This was quite timely, as we've experienced some summer storms here.  High wind warnings had me battening down the hatches to prepare! Sometimes the weatherman is right, and we get what was predicted. Sometimes the storm shifts and it isn't nearly as bad as they thought. How often in your mind, do you create a ...

Consistency is Key

Are you showing up consistently for what you desire? In this Unscripted Episode, I share how showing up consistently is key to achieve the results we desire. I reflect upon how the sun shows up everyday... it continues to shine on the bud... it doesn't say "Oh, you haven't bloomed yet.  I'm done shining on you." You can watch the episode here: Or listen to the podcast here. What are you desiring to "bloom" in your life"  How are you consistently showing up and shining on those buds ...

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