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Blog Permission to do it your way

Permission to do it your way


“You should…”
“You need…”
“You must…”

There are so many opinions, strategies, ideas… that you can find yourself doing things that feel heavy because you’ve been told you should, or it’s what everyone else is doing.

Here’s the thing. Your body knows when something is aligned for you and when it isn’t.

Listen within.
Notice how you feel.

How do you want to feel?

I’ve found my way has been finding my “Divine Aligned” plan, action, marketing, decision… versus something “society assigned.”

I notice how I feel. I ask myself good questions. I connect within to express outward in a way that is true for me.

So if something is not feeling light or right for you…. permission to do it your way!!

“Per” your “mission” what does that look like for you?

Your life. Your business. Your rules.

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