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Sharing and Receiving

Often what we are called to share, is also what our soul needs to receive. In this Unscripted Episode, I share how the unexpected calling to offer "sound healing" has been brining me healing as well. I reflect upon how the giving and receiving exchange in life is a truly beautiful, interweaving flow. You can watch the episode here: Or listen to the podcast here. What are you being called to share or to give? How are you feeling called to serve? How is this calling also serving you? When you ...

Honor Your Rhythm

You are a part of nature... The moon has phases. The earth has seasons. You are a part of nature. Honor your rhythm. The above was this week's "meditation moment with nature." I dive into it a bit more on this episode of Unscripted. You can watch the replay here: Or listen to the podcast here. So often we put pressure on ourselves that we should be in a different "season" than we are, or get frustrated that we are still in a certain "phase" we no longer want to be in. Perhaps we are comparing ...

Information vs Integration

Do you love learning? Me too! It's one of my favorite things! I love to read. I love to take courses. I love to learn! Yet, what I've found to be extremely important, is to stay aware of when I am merely consuming information rather than pausing to fully integrate what I've come to learn. I shared this on last week's UNSCRIPTED.You're welcome to watch the replay here. Or listen to the podcast here.Knowledge is a beautiful thing! Yet, it is wisdom that creates transformation. It's not merely ...

Focus on the FUN not the Freakout

I was freaking out... Three big opportunities all landed in one week.Some with very short notice.An acting job. Lines needed to be memorized. Hair and makeup ready. Wardrobe pressed (not to mention found and purchased first!).A speaking event. A red dress that I didn't have... so a hopeful online purchase to come just in time. What was I going to say? How was I going to get a handout created in time?A teaching opportunity. I created the slides, then found out I couldn't share them with the ...

Message not Masterpiece

Do you go into perfectionist mode? Wanting to make things better? While improving things are great, we also need to be aware of when they really need to be improved or if we are spending too much time behind the scenes focused on a masterpiece rather than getting the message out there. That's what this week's UNSCRIPTED was all about! You can watch the replay here (ironically there was a bad internet connection- making the visual unclear but the message comes through great!) Or you can listen ...

Do the damn thing!

Do you put things off? Not in the mood to do it. Feeling tired. Don't want to deal with it... That's what this week's UNSCRIPTED conversation was about! Catch the replay here: Or the Podcast Version here. If you warm something up in your microwave, or stove, and it makes a mess. Either you forgot to cover it, or it splatters out of the pan.. do you immediately wipe it up? Or, do you put it off? How about conversations? Do you put them off because you don't want to deal with it or are afraid to ...

How committed are you?

Got goals? Desires? Dreams? How committed are you to consistently showing up to create them? To taking action on them? Do you let "all the reasons not to" to stop you? No time? No money? No energy? Too busy? This week's UNSCRIPTED conversation was all about this! Catch the replay here: Or the Podcast Version here. Once again, dog training provided me a valuable lesson and reflection. See, it came the day to test out of our first level. While we passed, thankful to our smart puppy, I realized ...

How much good can you handle

How much good can you handle? Seems like a silly question, right? However, you may be surprised by your answer. That's what today's UNSCRIPTED was all about! If you missed it live, you can catch the replay here: Or listen to the Podcast Version here. "How much good can you handle?" This question was posed to me by my coach after sharing how my "happy bubble" would seem to get burst out of nowhere whenever good things would happen. It confused me, as I am not one who asks, "When is the other ...

Time for a new path?

Perhaps it’s time to take a new path? You can watch the UNSCRIPTED replay here: Or you can listen to the Podcast Version here. Its spring and the ground is soggy…. downright muddy in places. The other day when walking our dog, my boots got coated in mud. So much so that each step I took became heavier and heavier. They required a bit cleaning once we got back home. Today when we went out again, I was dreading the mud accumulation. As I walked the path’s edge trying my best ...

Dog Training for Life and Business

I knew she knew... She knew how to stay! Yet, as soon as I moved, so did she. Why?The other week in dog training for our lab puppy, Chloe, we were going to be working on the "stay" command.I was really looking forward to it, because I knew she knew how to do it, yet she just didn't seem to want to listen.What was it that I was missing? Was my puppy just that stubborn?I share the story, and how it "coached" me in life and business as well, on this week's UNSCRIPTED. You can catch the replay on ...

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