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Presence Among Presents

Merry Christmas! I'm gonna lose my shit! Are you feeling overwhelmed this season? The shopping, the cleaning, the wrapping…  Perhaps you too are processing grief? It's not only holiday tasks on my plate, it's other unexpected to-do's that keep showing up, right alongside the underlying sadness of a “first” Christmas with new empty seats around the table. Merry Christmas! I’m gonna lose my shit!  Those are the words that I felt the other day as I tried to hold ...

The Magic is in Showing Up

I thought about it long enough... And allllll that thinking was having me hiding backstage. Stuck in the swirl of questions. Thinking and thinking, but taking no action...Well, except making pretty banners to declare it, whenever I'd finally be ready to share it.UNSCRIPTED. Why? Precisely for this reason! To let it be real, raw, messy and vulnerable! To get out of my head and just do the darn thing!Yet old patterns of resistance took hold. There I was, fumbling behind the scenes, doing all the ...

You Lead By Living

You lead by living. One of my mentors was talking today about how simply witnessing someone transformed their life. See, it’s not always about what products or services we offer. It’s about how we show up. It’s about who we are. It’s about how we live. We’ve all heard the saying, “do as I say, not as I do.” Yet, we all know that it’s the “doing” that has more impact. Therefore your truest leadership is how you are showing up to ...

Don't Fold On Your Dreams

I was in my studio, working on my next book, and I hit a block. In these moments it’s SO easy to reach for my phone, check social media, decide to go get something to eat, start cleaning something, think of all the things I could be doing, call someone to talk, and so on… Every part of me wants to stop. Shove it to the side for another day (which may be days or weeks later). Yet, it’s in this moment, this moment of decision of what I choose to do, that makes all the ...

Watch Your Spending

I received a lovely message about spending, and it inspired me to remember this teaching I received from one of my mentors. As we move into the season where lots of “spending” typically occurs, I thought this would be a timely share to inspire YOU as well. When we “spend” it typically feels like we are losing what we spend… We “spend” our money, now it’s gone.We “spend” our time, now it’s gone.We “spend” our ...

All the reasons not to

It’s too cold to go in my writing studio. I’m hungry. I have other things to do. I’ll do it tomorrow. I’m not sure if I’m feeling inspired enough right now. Resistance. All of the reasons to not pursue my dream, my want, my desire, my soul calling. These reasons, thoughts, chatter… seem to creep in to distract and challenge us as we move in our desired direction. Have you ever wanted something and then find yourself hearing the excuses as to why it’s ...

Creating Space

I might need that, or want that someday. That sentence right there has had me hold on to a lot of stuff. See, I’ve gotten rid of stuff before, then later regretted it. That jacket I never wore? Well, as soon as I donated it, it was suddenly the jacket that would have complimented every outfit. That story, and others like it, have me hanging on to a lot of stuff, just in case of some day… We all have stories that can keep us where we are, doing what we are doing, and holding on to ...

Honoring the subtle guidance

“Wait until the morning.” I heard a quiet voice within me say as I was finishing up an email to send. My reasonable side argued, “That doesn’t give them enough time to plan.” as the email included an invite to a Pop-Up Coaching call. Yet, from experience I knew to honor that quiet voice.  When I thought about pushing through and just sending it to do as one “should” do, it didn’t feel right. When I thought about waiting, a peace ...

The Dance of Life

Big exciting stuff,and at the same time,big hard stuff.How does one allow the opportunity to unfoldand still sacredly hold their heart?How does one continue to step forwardand deeply pause to be with what is all happening? A moment at a time,honoring the energy.Tapping it when the moment allowsand then sinking into it when it calls.They say life is a dance.Sometimes the music is a melodythat makes you cry,and sometimes it gets you moving,and you clumsily dance to both.The slow songs, the fast ...

Does it Amplify or Alter You

You hire a coach. You read a book. You receive feedback. You discover a new tool… All great things! Life is a journey of learning and evolving. The key in it all is to know YOU and stay true to YOU. The question to ask as you apply something new… “Is this amplifying me, or altering me?” You will FEEL the answer. If it amplifies you, it expands you, enhances, enlightens, brightens… If it alters, something feels off, there’s struggle, falseness, ...

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