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Are you living a soul-led life, or a society-led life?

How do you feel when you are at the sea?

When you strip away the layers and set yourself free?

When you let go of worries and allow yourself to be?

When you stop taking yourself so seriously?

When you step into the water, allowing it your weight to carry?

Bring this peace, freedom and joy into your everyday reality!

Connect within, and find your SEA.

Tune in to your soul, rather than society.

Create a "beach" life that allows you to BE...

exactly who YOU are, authentically.

SEA within

What I've come to find is that–All you seek resides within.

It's often this world that places us on the journey to find what we seek "out there." We try to fit in, to meet needs and expectations, to be accepted and loved, to abide by the "should's" that have been placed upon us. 

One role, one wave after another, we can find ourselves swimming in circles and losing ourselves along the way.

It can feel like swimming in a sea of stress, and living a watered-down version of yourself.

Why? We are seeking outside ourselves. We are trying to fit into boxes. We are living a society-led life.

It's time to come home to yourself. To know, love and trust yourself.

It's time to realize that all you seek, you already have.

As Rumi said, "You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop."

It's time to dive in to your ocean of wisdom within. It's time to live your purpose.

Why S.E.A.?

Soul Energy Alignment

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” ~Albert Einstein

When you align with your inner truth and wisdom, your intuition, your soul– life becomes a magical unfolding and sacred dance.

It is when we embody our true light, and take aligned action from there, that we are able to make the impact we are here to make, to experience the life we are meant to live, and to inspire those around us.

When you dive beneath the waves and noise of the world, you can find your true peace and clarity, your authentic voice–you can find yourself.

Why THE Sea?

The sea called to me for as long as I can remember–well before my feet ever touched her shores. 

Water is the place I feel most at home.

We start life in the watery womb. Our planet is mostly water. We are mostly water.

I believe the sea is a sacred, healing place.

Many are called to vacation on her shores. These are times you see people release the layers–not just clothing–but the roles and the boxes they feel they need to fit in on their normal days.

It's a level of freedom–a lightness of being–a sacred connection that happens. The sea sets you free!

The water holds you, and removes the "weight of the world." The ocean is filled with magic and mystery, life and wisdom.

I create sea-infused and inspired experiences to swim you to the sacred waters within, to align your energy, and to discover the treasure that is YOU.

I founded my trademarked SEA Method: Kapa Kai® in 2001, and continue to certify other healers in this transformational modality around the world.

This method is a powerful way to bring the sea's healing energy, her sacred wisdom, and her permission to BE, into people's lives–without needing to board a plane.

Just as the water holds depths of wisdom and both an immense and gentle power– you too are made up of water, and hold more potential than you realize.

All you seek resides within. Your freedom awaits you.

Water you waiting for? Dive in and SEA for yourself! 

Why am I passionate about helping you find your SEA?

Because there was a time I lost mine.

It can be easy to do in this world.

We can lose sight of our “sea” while swimming a world of should’s and expectations, with boxes to fit in and masks to wear.

Yet you are here for so much more. ✨

The pure light and love that is you, has its own unique and authentic expression.

The world needs who YOU are.

The Formal Introduction

Love, Bobbie Jo is a Certified BodyMind Method® Coach, Author of I Just Want To Be Me, Claim Your Stage, and The Search for Purpose, a Transformational Speaker and the founder of the Kapa Kai® SEA Method.

She holds many certifications, including a bachelor’s degree in communications and business, and has previously taught at the university level.

Bobbie Jo believes that the world needs who YOU are.

After decades of losing herself in all life’s should’s and expectations, Bobbie Jo reconnected to her personal truth, and tossed the societal script–– transforming her life.

Now, she guides others to be all of who they came here to be and to make their impact in the world.

Clients working with Bobbie Jo discover a deeper sense of connection, clarity of personal purpose, confidence in self-expression and the courage to take the steps to create the life and business they truly desire.

Ready to find your SEA?

Book your complimentary consultation.

Degrees, Certifications and Trainings: Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Business, Certified BodyMind Method® Coach, Transformational Meditation Teacher, Certified Sound Healer, Certified Singing Bowl Sound Healer, Certified Tuning Fork Sound Healer, Certified Crystal and Chakra Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Hawaiian Elemental Healing, Reset MindBody, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Certified Assertiveness Coach, Trauma Informed Care, Creating Safer Space, Licensed Massage Therapist, LaStone Therapy, Massage for People with Cancer, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, Prenatal Massage and Massage Doula, Reflexology, ULC Ordained Minister, Founder of the Kapa Kai® SEA Healing Method

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