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Blog What If

What If


Many times we can hold back on taking an action, questioning “What if…?”

What if I get it wrong?

What if I make a mistake?

What if I’m not ready?

What if it doesn’t work?

What if…..

(That’s what today’s episode dives into! Click below to watch.)

Do you remember finger paints as a child? The freedom of letting it be messy? The joy of creativity and playing and simply doing what the paints call you to do…. dig your fingers in and put them anywhere you want on paper, in any way you choose. No right. No wrong.

I invite you to check in on what you are sitting on… what action you are “what if-ing.”

For me, this blog post and video was inspired when I was going to send out press releases for my new book. I questioned the “proper” way to do it. What to say, who to send it to…??

I “What if-ed” over and over again. “What if they don’t use it…. What if they DO????”

It all kept me from doing the thing…. sending them out.

Finally I tapped into that playful non-attachment, and let it be messy, realizing that in “doing” it, I would learn.

That making a mistake is not only okay, it is sometimes necessary.

It’s about moving forward rather than staying stuck.

Since then, I have continued to tap into this playful messiness with other “what if’s” that pop up.

Don’t “WHAT IF” your life away… LIVE TODAY! Take a step. Take an action. Have some fun! Let it be messy!!!

Share the step you took below, so that I can cheer you on!!!

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