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Gratitude is a choice

Today is the six month anniversary of my wedding. Tomorrow is the two month anniversary of my father’s funeral. In a little over two weeks we celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.S. In this sea of life…. we all have a choice. A choice to reflect on our blessings, or a choice to illuminate our short-comings, disappointments, lacks, losses, or what-if’s. I could choose to remember how I missed conversations I wanted to have at our wedding, lost photo opportunities, didn’t say ...

Blood Moon Message

Early this morning, was a tough one for me. It marked the one month anniversary of my father’s passing. I knew that we were going to have a full lunar eclipse (and blood moon) around the same time I had held his hand during his transition. I wondered if I’d naturally awake in time to see it. Ironically, I awoke much earlier, as I did the morning one month prior. Many memories flooded in with my premature rise, creating streams of salt water cascading down my cheeks. Missing him ...

Lighthouse Faith

There was a day when I felt like a sailor without a compass in the middle of the sea, gazing out at the deep blue in all directions, not knowing which way to point my sail. We all have these days from time to time, and for me the best way to get clear, reconnected and find my map is to go to the water. So that is exactly what I did. I approached my peaceful ‘local ocean’ which customarily offers me varying blue waves of insight that stretch on forever until it kisses the skyline, ...

Kids made me cry

Last month, on World Oceans Day, my husband and I went to the beach to celebrate the sea and clean our local shoreline along Lake Michigan. I decided to bring a bag of small seashells with me, inspired to spread the message of the day with anyone we met along our journey. At one location, we came across a family with children. I decided to walk over and explain to them about the day and what we were doing. The parents did not speak English, however, the kids did. The older boy echoed my ...

How is your foundation?

The other night I had a dream where I was traveling through California. The area was being hit with torrential down pours, and the weather report showed it was to continue for an extended length of time. As we were hiking over muddy paths and roads, that were turning into rivers and washing the ground beneath away, the message that came through was: “It doesn’t matter if your house is made of the best brick, if your foundation is taken out, the whole thing goes.” Such a ...

Swimming without legs

While in Hawaii, I had the opportunity to swim as a mermaid. It sounded so magical. I had dreams about it before I arrived. I saw myself frolicking in the water with freedom and ease, a pure natural. I had grace, I had speed, I had finesse! Then came my moment… no longer a dream, but a reality as I sat on the edge of the boat with my tail hanging off the side. ‘Are you ready?,’ I was asked, before being dropped into the sea. I looked down at the ocean I had just finished ...

My shark encounter

My recent Hawaiian adventure, albeit short, offered me many lessons leaving me forever changed. One came in the early morning, as I ventured into the ocean by myself. I learned of the beautiful Hawaiian temple, Ahuʻena Heiau, located in the ocean in front of my hotel. I was told it was a sacred place you could approach to ceremonially ‘make a sacrifice.’ I long awaited this lifetime adventure, and was willing to fully experience all I could. I was ready to transform, so learning ...

Be the snail

Years ago, while walking with a friend I was visiting in beautiful Key West, I abruptly stopped in my tracks. There in front of me, making his way across the sidewalk, was a cute, little snail. I paused and admired him for a while, then we continued on our way. Upon finishing up our errand and heading back, I excitedly stated, ‘I wonder how far the snail got!’ I quickly headed over to the area I last saw him, anxious to see the progress he made after all this time. Needless to say, ...

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