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Blog A Dream, A Vision, and A Video

A Dream, A Vision, and A Video


6 years ago today, I attended a Celebrate Your Life event in Chicago and took this picture.

It was right before one of the speakers was about to take the stage.

See, I felt an inner calling to be a speaker like I was seeing at this event. I had the desire to make an impact by inspiring others from the stage as they were doing.

I printed this picture and placed it on my vision board. It’s been there ever since.

Just recently I was Divinely guided to the Speakers Program being offered by the CEO of Celebrate Your Life along with one of their big speakers.

I followed that inner call, and enrolled in the course. I gained a lot of insights. 

We were given the opportunity to apply as if we were going to speak on one of their stages, and to do so, needed to submit a video application.

If you won, you would receive coaching sessions from both of them, as well as interviews on both of their platforms.


6 years nearly to the day after first holding that vision! 

I never let that vision go. I kept the dream alive. And I followed the Divine guidance along my journey.

6 years later, it was my VIDEO, where I got to showcase who I am and my message, that brought that dream and that vision to life!

What are your dreams? What is the vision you are holding? Keep it alive. Keep taking the steps. You feel that calling for a reason…. trust it!

And, there is great power in video connection! If you’re ready to embody your confidence on camera and clarity in your message to help your dreams become a reality, let’s have a conversation!I’d love to help you bring your vision to life!

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