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Blog Feeling stuck?

Feeling stuck?


Stuck in a rut?

Have you ever had that stuck feeling?

Perhaps you feel you're in a rut...

Same 'ol routine.

Doing the same things, yet hoping for a new outcome?

How do we get out of the rut? The stuck-ness? The mundane?

Just like a car in a rut, if we keep doing the same things– pushing the gas pedal and spinning our wheels– we'll just dig the rut deeper.

To get out of the rut, we need to do something *different*. We need to shift, to move the energy.

In the car example, we could get some gravel and fill the hole to gain traction, or we could call a tow-truck to pull us out.

In business that may look like making offers rather than hiding behind the scenes, or hiring a coach to help you gain clarity or accountability.

In life it may look like taking a different route to work, or planning a surprise dinner.

So, where are you feeling stuck in life? In business? In general? What is a small shift you can make to switch it up and to move the energy?

That's what today's UNSCRIPTED was about. In the episode I share some more examples, including ones that I use. 

You can catch the replay here:

Or the Podcast Version here.

May you feel inspired to stop spinning those wheels, and to try something new!

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