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Blog Simplify to Serve

Simplify to Serve


Simplifying to Serve

Do you desire to simplify your life, your home, your surroundings?

To declutter your space, to organize and systemize all your stuff?

This has been something that has been coming up for me, to "SIMPLIFY." Perhaps that's my word for 2022. 

Recently I dove into decluttering, organizing and creating space in my office.

What I found was:

There is power in purging for your purpose!

I dove into this topic more on this week's UNSCRIPTED, you can catch the replay here:

Or the Podcast Version here.

The decluttering process is beyond way more than getting rid of stuff or organizing it... it's about the energy of the space and the inner work. Yes, this process is a lot of personal development! 

Do you ever start to declutter, then feel overwhelmed by it all and stop? Or do you declutter, only to have it fill back up not too long after?  Why do you desire to declutter or create space?

When a space is "full" it's hard to create more, because where does it go? Therefore if your creative space is crammed with stuff, regardless of how prettily stacked it is, it could potentially be blocking or slowing the creative process.

As I shared on Unscripted, I took my bookshelf, which was FULL of amazing books, and removed them all. 

I then placed the two books I've published, along with the mock cover of my next book, on that bookshelf.

This is what I see right in front of my desk. Part of my purpose is writing... and I intend to have a bookshelf full of books I've written.

Therefore, when I'd sit to create or write, and see my shelf already full.... the energy flow didn't move as freely.

Once that space was cleared, creating room on those shelves, the creative flow opened up.

This also allows me to more fully FOCUS, and stay focused, as I see my vision right in front of me, without other distractions. My focus is in the spotlight.

What are you looking at? What are you desiring to create? If you are desiring to create space in your life, do you have space to create it, or do you look around you and see all the spaces already filled? 

The purpose of my decluttering call... is to LIVE my calling... to be fully present in my life, to be more present with my family and each moment, and to be focused on my creative expressions. Stuff can stifle that flow, that focus, that presence.

Are there any tips you have for decluttering and simplifying?

Is this something you struggle with? If so, where do you feel stuck?

There is so much potential, opportunity and gifts in each moment... don't let the stuff block your view of that! 

P.S. "Stuff" is about so much more than physical stuff! Be curious and open as you reflect upon your decluttering/simplifying journey.

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