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Blog Embrace Who You Are

Embrace Who You Are


Embrace Who YOU Are

On today's UNSCRIPTED, I shared about an experience I had yesterday that moved me to tears.

I was in a course to learn your Business Archetype. 

Reviewing the types, I wanted to be the badass! The rebel! The trailblazer!

Have you ever wanted to be that? Or perhaps you are!

So when the quiz results came back showing, "The Innocent," I sighed.

It reminded me of when I was in college and decided to go out one night sporting a leather biker jacket and some kick-ass boots.

The "tough- don't mess with me" feeling I had walking in quickly subsided when my friends said, "You're so cute!!!"

I wasn't going for cute. I was going for badass!

Embrace who YOU are.

Those are the words I heard as I learned more about the archetype, and reflected upon why I wanted to be the rebel...

You can catch the replay here:

Or the Podcast Version here.

Do you know your archetype? What qualities do you embody and which are you drawn to? 

Embrace who YOU are. That is exactly who the world needs.

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