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Blog Do the damn thing!

Do the damn thing!


Do you put things off? Not in the mood to do it. Feeling tired. Don't want to deal with it...

That's what this week's UNSCRIPTED conversation was about!

Catch the replay here:

Or the Podcast Version here.

If you warm something up in your microwave, or stove, and it makes a mess. Either you forgot to cover it, or it splatters out of the pan.. do you immediately wipe it up?

Or, do you put it off?

How about conversations? Do you put them off because you don't want to deal with it or are afraid to ask?

Often times the different things we put off in life, can become more difficult to address later.

That food in the microwave? Cleaning it right away takes a brief moment. Waiting to deal with it later, creates more effort to scape off the now dried and baked on food.

Where in life are you putting things off, that if simply done in the moment, when it presents itself, could take less effort and time?

I invite you to to reflect upon this, and to take inspired action in the moment. You're far more capable that you think. It's far less scary than it seems. Wiping it up only takes a moment, then it's done!

To doing the damn things!

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