Blog How Do You Want To Feel

How Do You Want To Feel


Reclaim your power! Reclaim your day!

In this Unscripted Episode, I share a simple yet powerful question to ask yourself.

You can watch the episode here:

Or listen to the podcast here.

How do you want to feel?

Have you ever asked yourself that?

Or do you get caught up in how you are actually feeling? 

Do you get caught up in what you don't want?

Do you get caught up in what you fear?

Do you let your day and everything around you run the show?

I invite you to pause and ask yourself, "How do I want to feel?"

What shows up for you?

This question brings you into the PRESENT.

It stops the swirl of everything else. It brings it back to you.

How do YOU want to feel?

Not what are you feeling. Not what are you afraid of.

What do you WANT to experience?

You have the power to shift.

Then, you take it one step further.

"What is one thing YOU can do to CREATE that feeling?"

Not what someone else can do. Not, "I'll feel it when so and so does this, or this thing happens."

No, what can you do... right now.. yourself... to create it? To begin to cultivate it?

The power is within YOU. That is what you can control. You have the creative power.

Come back to the moment. Back to your breath. Back to you. How do you want to feel? Then take aligned action from there to create it.

Just like Dorothy, you've had the power all along my dear.

Believe. Get clear and create.

P.S. If you want to get my FREE download that goes deeper into this, you can find it HERE.

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