Blog Follow Your Joy

Follow Your Joy


Follow YOUR Joy.

In this Unscripted Episode, I share about the power in, and the way-finding of following your joy.

You can watch the episode here:

Or listen to the podcast here.


The world needs who YOU are.

You see these words on my homepage here. You hear me say them.

Following your joy is a huge part of this.

See, when you are in joy, you are aligned. When you are aligned in joy, you shine! When you are shining in joy, you are YOU. You are expressing as you, you are sharing your energy and your light.

I believe many times we can miss out on our joy or not fully step into it, for different reasons.

Perhaps we don't think we are worthy, or think that it's not enough, that we have to meet different expectations, do all the "should's," follow what's been done before....

Can you relate? Have you not followed your joy for any of these reasons?

I surely can!

In massage school, my joy was in energy healing. Yet, I listened outside myself, and followed the advice that success would only follow if I did deep tissue work.

That eventually led to burn out.

See I wasn't feeding MY light, MY joy... I was living someone else's truth and belief. 

Joy is what guides us. It can show us what is right for us.

Energy healing didn't escape me. It stayed within me... in pieces of things I'd create. Including now, with bringing sound healing into my guided meditations.

As I embark on this, I GET TO feel within to MY joy. This helps me to stay embodied in my truth, what is right for me.

I could look outside myself again, and find a multitude of ways to do it. Ways I could believe are expected to succeed. Ways I can convince myself I "should."

OR, I can feel within and trust... trust the joy that brought me here, will continue to lead me they way I am meant to go. The way I am meant to serve.

The same is true for you! You get to feel within as YOU create... your life... your business... your day!

The world doesn't need cookie-cutter. 

The world needs YOUR JOY.

So what does that look like for you? What truly lights you up? What calls to your soul? How do you love to express?

Let your joy guide you. Follow it. It won't lead you astray.

P.S. Here's the meditation moment I mentioned, where I was having some fun on the tongue drum!!

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