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Blog Presence Among Presents

Presence Among Presents


Merry Christmas! I'm gonna lose my shit!

Are you feeling overwhelmed this season? The shopping, the cleaning, the wrapping… 

Perhaps you too are processing grief?

It's not only holiday tasks on my plate, it's other unexpected to-do's that keep showing up, right alongside the underlying sadness of a “first” Christmas with new empty seats around the table.

Merry Christmas! I’m gonna lose my shit! 

Those are the words that I felt the other day as I tried to hold it all together. They flowed to me in the tone of Uncle Eddy from the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation movie,  "Merry Christmas! Shitter was full."

I realized I was compounding it all. Meaning, I was thinking about every little thing... all at once! That will overwhelm anyone.

This brought the reminder... to be present. To take it one thing at a time. To not read the entire to-do list and think "How is that ever all going to happen? I'm tired just reading it all!" And instead, take ONE item, and focus.

And, to take the time to pause and cry when needed.

Wednesday, I got a little emotional talking about this on UNSCRIPTED. You can watch the replay here:

Or the Podcast Version here.

When you watch... be sure to catch the most important parts... the reframe! No, not what I shared here... something deeper and more poetic.

Wishing you a season full of Peace and Be-ing. Let all the other "shit" go.

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