Blog Honoring the subtle guidance

Honoring the subtle guidance


“Wait until the morning.” I heard a quiet voice within me say as I was finishing up an email to send.

My reasonable side argued, “That doesn’t give them enough time to plan.” as the email included an invite to a Pop-Up Coaching call.

Yet, from experience I knew to honor that quiet voice. 

When I thought about pushing through and just sending it to do as one “should” do, it didn’t feel right.

When I thought about waiting, a peace permeated.

The soul speaks, and the body knows.

Later that evening, I received a call. My uncle had transitioned home.

The time I had planned to host the call, became the time to support family and remember a great man.

Listening within. This is how I choose to live. This is how I choose to do business.

It wasn’t always this way. I used to push through, think I needed to do things how they are “supposed” to be done. I could have easily done that here. Sure, I may have felt accomplished after clicking send and taking action, yet that would have been followed up with an email calling it all off.

Would it have hurt anyone? No. It would have just required a little more work and a knowing that I didn’t honor that quiet voice that *knew.*

Does this feel better, honoring that voice? Yes.
Is it easy? No.

It requires a deep, sacred trust. To know I am held, supported and guided beyond what I can see.

There are times my mind wants to strum up fear and panic as things don’t appear to be unfolding how I think they are supposed to and worry can kick in. From the outside, it may appear I am not doing enough. It may even feel that way to me at times.

It requires discipline and faith to honor that guidance, only whispered to you.

When I honor this quiet voice, my soul, my body sensations… it’s such a sacred and awe-inspiring witnessing of the unfoldment of life. I feel like a wide-eyed child full of wonder.

We all have this. It’s a matter of tuning in.

Do you hear your sacred guidance? Do you recall times you’ve honored it, and times you haven’t? I’d love to hear about your experience. Please leave a comment below.

Do you struggle to hear it or to trust it? Please comment and let me know that too. I’m genuinely interested.

May the wisdom that guides you be clear to you today, and always.

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