Blog All the reasons not to

All the reasons not to


It’s too cold to go in my writing studio. I’m hungry. I have other things to do. I’ll do it tomorrow. I’m not sure if I’m feeling inspired enough right now.


All of the reasons to not pursue my dream, my want, my desire, my soul calling.

These reasons, thoughts, chatter… seem to creep in to distract and challenge us as we move in our desired direction.

Have you ever wanted something and then find yourself hearing the excuses as to why it’s not possible, not the right time, not.. you name it?

Each day we have a choice. How will we show up? Will we show up?

We are free to choose.

In my case the other day it was either write the book, or don’t. 

I really wanted to choose the don’t, I had all the reasons. It was easier not to. Stay in the same pattern…

Yet, the reason that was on the “do” side, was much more important. Not quite as loud as the others, as those tend to really push. It was the quiet voice inside that called me… write.

Resistance happens. A lot. It’s what we choose to do with it.

Do we hand it the power and stop? Or do we simply say, “Hello. I see you.” and then carry on our way creating those dreams.

I chose to grab a coat, hat and a hot coffee and sit in my chilly studio allowing words to flow beyond the resistance.

Even if it’s one word written, I am one word closer to my dream.

Small steps lead to big results. Sitting in resistance leads to sitting.

And guess what, we will have the opportunity to choose again. Every day. Each moment.

When resistance comes to greet you, do you say, “hello,” and move along on your way, or invite it to stay? 

What will your choice be? 

How are you choosing to show up for your dreams today?

I’d love to hear! Reply below to share it and declare it!
Also, how does resistance show up for you? I’d love to hear that too! 

With lots of love and cheering for your dreams,

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