Blog Don't Fold On Your Dreams

Don't Fold On Your Dreams


I was in my studio, working on my next book, and I hit a block.

In these moments it’s SO easy to reach for my phone, check social media, decide to go get something to eat, start cleaning something, think of all the things I could be doing, call someone to talk, and so on…

Every part of me wants to stop. Shove it to the side for another day (which may be days or weeks later).

Yet, it’s in this moment, this moment of decision of what I choose to do, that makes all the difference. 

Will I reach for the phone and break my flow, which although it feels blocked and broken, really is not?

OR, do I pause without distraction, but SIT WITH IT.. and allow the block to work its own way out?

The other day I chose the latter. I moved from my desk, to my cozy futon in the studio, and sat in peaceful silence, simply being.

Shortly thereafter the breakthrough I needed came to me! And I went back to my desk to write.

Had I not sat there, and instead did one of my other distractions, I would have missed it. Reflecting upon this, these words flowed into my heart…

You’ve been dealt a great hand. Don’t fold on your dreams.

How often have you found yourself soooo close to completing something, or working on something so close to your heart, and a bit of resistance pops up, and you want to walk away? 

It is easy to fold, and the opportunities to do so seem endless.

Yet, we truly have been dealt a great hand! Our Creator placed within us ALL we need. We are here to share the gift of ourselves. If we allow resistance to stop us, we can miss the beauty we are here to spread.

Don’t fold on those dreams! Don’t worry about any one else’s hands. Your cards are enough. You are enough. And you have got this! Keep going. Keep showing up.

How can you show up for your dreams today? Even in the littlest of ways?

Did this little love letter serve you? How and where does resistance like to show up for you? I’d love to hear!!! Please leave a comment and let me know. 🙂

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