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Blog What season are you in?

What season are you in?


Seasons of Change: A Reflection of Life

My computer has been ‘acting up,’ so today I worked on clearing some things off it to a hard drive in case it crashes, and I came across this writing I did in November, still waiting on my computer to be shared (like many of others).

May it inspire you, as it once again did me.


This morning I felt called to my now seasonably cold pond-side studio to meditate. Surrounded by my shells from my previous expression, and words from my current calling… I felt a wave of emotion flow through me.

This Divine Download followed. I share it here with you in hopes it inspires you in whatever season of life you are in, in whatever now calls to your heart. A deep permission that it is natural to change…

You are like water. You have many forms.

Do not cling to the expression of summer in your winter, nor winter in your spring.

Each expression serves a season and a purpose.

Allow your evolution to be fluid, smooth.

Enjoy the process. Honor the changes. Embrace the diversity. Respect the season you are in.

All is a natural flow of the cycle. Do not fight it. Welcome it.

Allow yourself to be transformed like water.

Each season and form holds unique beauty.

You are part of nature’s cycle.

You were not made to stagnate, to remain the same, but to evolve and grow with each season of expression.

Do not mourn for what you feel is gone. Do not cling to what you believe you once had.

No-thing gets lost. No-thing was ever yours. It’s a flow, a dance. Transformation is part of the eternal circle of which ALL are a part.

Stop fighting it and be free.

Open to it’s beauty. Embrace the change.

I think we are taught, and what our ‘ego’ desires, is consistency. Pick one thing to be in life and master it.

But what happens when the alignment changes? When your heart no longer lights up to do the same things? When you feel resistance in your body?

For instance: your career. A vocation you may have once loved, may start to feel heavy. Your body, mind or soul may feel tired of it. Yet your ego may say, this is who you are, this is what you must do. There is not harmony between the two and that can cause significant stress.

This can be in a relationship, personal or professional. Where there was once a connection, a harmony… something feels off or missing.

We desire consistency in life to feel safe and secure. Yet if you look at nature and the seasons, you see change. Through this change there is beauty and diversity, along with safety and security.

In our attempt to control nature and life, we miss the fact that we are a part of it. We also have seasons. We too must shed leaves, root in deep rest and silence, re-emerge with new growth and celebrate the warm freedom, allowing the cycle to repeat again.

It’s easy to attach our identity to some-thing. Wanting to know who we are. Yet it is in that attachment that I have found the deepest pain.

For when it no longer fits, the fear of letting go is the fear of losing oneself.

The deeper truth is that the self is not defined by what you do or what you create. These are your gifts of expression. The self is what lies beneath it all. And when you allow the self to flow through it’s seasons, and remain unattached to the expressions, allowing them to emerge in pure freedom… life becomes an ease of being.

I invite you to take a moment now to connect with your breath, your essence. To sit a moment silently with yourself and ask, what season am I in? Feel into where you are. Are you in a natural season? Are you holding onto a season longer than it’s cycle? Are you hesitating stepping into the next season?

How do you know what season or transformation is next?

Do you need help hearing your body’s wisdom to know what season you’re stepping into?

I’d be honored to hold space for you and guide you in hearing it’s message. Schedule your complimentary call.

Embrace the season you are in, without attachment, allowing life to flow.

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