Blog Take Time to Rest

Take Time to Rest


It’s always Go, Go, GO! Never… slow, slow, slooooow.

Get it ALL done, forget about fun.

There’s no time to sleep! You’ve got deadlines to keep!

But the truth is…

We NEED rest.

We function best with rest.

It is a necessity, not a luxury.

Recharge your batteries! Take time to BE.

Rest your feet up on a palm tree.

Sleep under it’s sweet canopy.

Take a deep breath. Listen to the waves.

Give your body the rest it craves!

Don’t worry about your to do list. It’ll be there when you’re done.

For now, just close your eyes and feel the sun.

When you awake, from your reinvigorating break…

You’ll have more energy to do what your list says you have to.

But the next time you make that ‘list of things to get done,’

put you and REST as number one!

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