Blog Spring Cleaning for More Meaning

Spring Cleaning for More Meaning


Spring is officially here!
What a great time of year!
A time of new beginnings and rebirth.
Flowers start to awake and come up from the earth.
There is a freshness and freedom that is felt.
The green grass is uncovered with the snow’s melt.
Possibility is in the air.
Life shines with new flare.
Embrace it. Breathe it in.
Allow the newness in you to begin.

Happy Spring! I love this time of year. This past Friday, the official start of Spring was especially magical! It not only marked my 40th year on this Earth, but also was the Spring Equinox, New Moon, and a Solar Eclipse in certain areas of the world. WOW! Pretty intense.

I celebrated with a special sacred water ceremony hosted by my dear friend, which was beyond amazing. I followed it up with wonderful quality time with my family. Now, I continue with Spring… as many do… SPRING CLEANING.

In order to bring in more of what you want, you need to release what no longer serves you to make room. We grow attached to many things that this can be difficult at times. (I have items in my closet that haven’t been worn in years, yet feel ‘I may want to wear that!’ How many can relate?)

But more so of the need to hang on to… I am feeling the need to BECOME. To step into and honor my truth even deeper in every area. In my service to you. In how I show up each day. In every area of my life (including what makes me feel me in my wardrobe).

I am releasing clutter in my bedroom, in my office, in our home. Anywhere and everywhere. SIMPLICITY is key. It gives not only more space to breathe, but space to become and to create.

When it becomes difficult, as attachment sets in, play some fun music and dance around. Tap back in to your truth and the process and your why. Make it enjoyable, exciting and FUN!

If you aren’t ready to release certain things quite yet, you can always place them in a bag or box to store and mark it to donate in one year if unopened.

Stay inspired. Be creative. Remember what you are opening the space for.

Happy Spring Cleaning, and Happy Rebirth!

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