Blog Reach out and ask

Reach out and ask


The old adage goes: You never know unless you ask.

So, why don’t we?

For me the fears are either: A: I’m imposing. Or B: I should already know the answer.

Well, if we ‘assume’ these things, we miss out on an ocean of opportunity and knowledge.

A while back I saw from social media posts that a New York Times Best Selling author of a book that I love, was in my town!

Rather than sinking into old patterns of thinking ‘I’d be imposing to reach out and ask about connecting,’ I decided to send him an email.

You never know unless you ask, right?

Well, because of that email, we ended up meeting over coffee to discuss his book Blue Mind, for two hours!

This would have never happened had I not reached out to ask.

Another example is about my seashell work.

For so long, I had searched by myself for answers to the questions I had about the shells I worked with. Here the fear in asking, was thinking ‘I should already know these answers,’ so I went it alone.

Finally, I surrendered. Finding the answers was more important than my pride, so I reached out to the experts.

Wow. What a world of difference (and a much faster learning curve).

These answers completely transformed my work for the better and inspired me to create more things I had desired.

You see, when we ASK, we may not always get the answers we think we want, we get the answers we need.

If we remain open, these answers can inspire our journey in ways we never imagined.

Also, how do you feel when you can answer someone’s question? Pretty good, right?

Well, by asking we help others feel good about their knowledge and ability to help.

We’re all in this together! We can’t possibly know it all ourselves. You never know unless you ask.

STAY OPEN. Fear not and ASK. EnJOY the journey!

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