Blog Gratitude Prayer

Gratitude Prayer



This poem was inspired by my healing journey from surgery.

As my husband kissed me goodnight one night, and retired to our bedroom (our bed was still too high for me to crawl into), I’d lay in my little (low) bed reflecting on all the ways I’m blessed.

Feeling deep love and appreciation for him and his care. The man who gets out of bed in the middle of the night to bring me socks for my cold feet. Helping me on and off the couch. Cooking. Cleaning. Taking care of the bills, the house, the dog, the everything that needs taking care of. Giving me space to heal, with no pressure or judgment.

Gratitude for all this healing journey was offering me. Rest, reflection, reconnection to my heart’s passion- writing.

Gratitude for all my blessings. A family to love and that loves me. A warm home with beautiful country views to enjoy as I heal. The time to honor my body and what it needs.

I’d lay there and pray. My prayer: Thank You. Thank You God.

My heart would just flow over with love and gratitude, feeling the multitude of ways I am blessed.

This prayer would carry on throughout my day (and still does).

Are there things I’d like to accomplish, know, have, be? Sure. But what’s beautiful about gratitude like this, is that they are no longer the objects of my main focus.

There’s a deep trust within me. Trust for my journey. All I need is to show up, with a grateful heart.

I invite you to take a moment right now, to think of something or someone you are grateful for. Feel that appreciation in your heart, and say: Thank You. Thank you God.

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