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Blog Focus on Inside

Focus on Inside


I was recently inspired to make some updates on my website.

I LOVE to be creative. I initially dove in with a sense of joy and play.

And then, the play turned into thinking, trying to “figure it out.”

One page. Five pages. This design. That design. This info. That info.

My head began to spin.

Notice the “head” spin. I was no longer connected to my body, my own wisdom and personal truth- I was up in my head trying to figure it and “get it right.”

Then, I paused. I realized, it didn’t need to be “perfect.”

I can get stuck on the outside (don’t ask me how many business cards or website renditions I’ve had!).

But, here’s the thing. I. Get. Stuck.

Creation mode is great! Yet, if it is not balanced with serving, then there isn’t a point. (Unless it is solely for your own personal expression. If you are running a business and stay in this place, well, it’s not much of a business if you don’t share your gifts.)

There must be a flow between expression and connection.

Therefore, I paused my remodel, and began refocusing on the inside. Diving into the inner work of becoming aware of the perfecting and looking outside- for the answers, the approval, the right way… and shifting back to a coming home to myself- my body, my heart, my soul, this moment.

Stopping the swirl and feeling within to my own sacred truth.

To what is aligned for me. That is- the website is “good enough.” It is clear.

Asking myself “Where is the true connection?” Reaching out. Having conversations. Sharing value.

So today I ask you- what outside project or answers are you looking for, and how may you shift that attention and energy within?

Our minds are great! Our body’s are wise! Sink into the wisdom first, and create from there.

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