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Blog Feeling vs Thinking

Feeling vs Thinking


Don’t “figure it out,” FEEL it out. We learn by doing, not thinking.

Perfectionist and over-thinker confession. Many times I would try to figure everything out before sharing it with the world.

I wanted it to be perfect and I wanted to be ready.

What did I learn?

It’s never going to be perfect. (What is perfect anyway? )

I’m never going to be ready.

We can’t hide behind the scenes attempting to master things.

Well, we can- however that’s where we’ll stay stuck. Behind the scenes.

Staying there is not serving the world or our clients. Nor ourselves!

We are here to share our voice, our light, ourselves. In all our messy glory.

It’s about showing up and doing.

We learn through action, feeling, receiving feedback- not sitting and thinking.

Let it be messy.

Let it be real.

What imperfect action can you take today?

The world needs who YOU are.

Be You. Be Seen. Make Your Impact.

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