Blog Choose Yourself First

Choose Yourself First


Choose yourself first.

How does that statement make you feel?

For me, it used to feel selfish.

Who are you to choose yourself first? You’re supposed to put yourself last. That’s what a ‘good’ person does, right?

Those were my beliefs… up until now.

Now, I choose myself first.

Was it uncomfortable at first? Hell yeah! All the stories came up. I felt bad and wrong and thought I was being selfish.

But what I found as I navigated through that, is freedom.

Not only freedom for myself, but freedom for others.

See when we put everyone else first, it creates pressure.

Pressure on us because we are giving away our power.

And pressure on them because we are placing the responsibility on their shoulders.

‘I’m giving you my power, so choose wisely for all. My happiness, my safety, my -you name it- rests on you now…’

But when we choose ourself first, by checking in with our own body wisdom to find our own answers and what feels light for us, what happens is it gives everyone else the permission to do the same.

It frees them from the heaviness and responsibility of choosing for everyone else.

What I have noticed as I move forward in this way, is that everyone is served in the most beautiful way.

As a people pleaser, I thought I had to give up my truth, my wants, myself – to make sure everyone else was happy and healthy…. and what happened in that was I lost my happiness, my health, myself.

By choosing myself first, I have found that the happiness and health of not only myself, but those around me, have improved.

See, when you are fully being you, the truth of who you are, that is the best way to serve those around you.

By choosing yourself first, you are allowing everyone else the permission to choose themselves first, and when we are all living from this aligned place… magic can happen.

The kind of magic and amazingness that cannot happen when we are shrinking down and handing our power away.

Boldly be you, and watch the magic happen for you and all those around you.

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