Blog Act 2

Act 2


I feel as if intermission just ended and I’m stepping into Act 2 of my life.

Act 1 I was the actress who desired to be cast.

Auditioned for what I believed the director wanted, showed up religiously for rehearsals, memorized my lines, got in wardrobe, and followed the script.

I played my part, allowing my character to be shaped by the cues and other cast members.

Love and validation came in the form of audience applause.

I was a good girl who played my part well.

Performances became tiring, and the applause no longer mattered as much.

Deep down I knew my character was missing something… and the opportunity to find it came at intermission.

“Intermission” was my body’s way of yelling ‘CUT!’ and pulling the curtain for a break.

During that time I feel as if I woke up, seeing myself beyond the ‘actor.’

It was time to break character. 

I tossed the script, took off the mask, let go of what everyone told me to be, and checked in with myself to see who I really was.

Now as the curtain pulls back, I walk unto the stage, unscripted, un-molded, unmasked, real, raw, honest, vulnerable.

It’s like an improv where anything can happen, and I welcome it.

Is it scary? Yes.

It’s so much more comfortable to ‘know the script.’

But that’s not real living. That’s ‘acting.’

And the girl who always dreamed of being an actress, is now ready to simply be the girl.

No applause necessary, for she knows true love and validation come from within.

And when it’s time for the curtain call, she shall bow deeply, not for the roles she has played, but for the opportunity she was given to truly live.

I invite you to live your ‘Act’ out of character. To simply embody the truth of who you are. To fully live. Unscripted.

Boldly Be You.

Because the world needs who YOU are. Who you really are.

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